***Update to Events!!***
Due to demand from our friends at Auckland Kettlebell Club there will now be the opportunity for women to compete in Two Arm Long Cycle. This will be run on a trial basis for these competitions. If registering for TALC please select the ‘Long Cycle’ event option, ‘One Arm Long Cycle’ denotes traditional women’s one arm long cycle. Good luck!
NZGSA is pleased to confirm North and South Island Championship competitions for 2015!
These competitions are the first for NZGSA and will serve as a good experience for all competitors and organisers alike as we work towards hosting an official IUKL event. In the future these competitions will also serve as a stepping stone to the nationals and so will feature the same IUKL endorsed events:
Women: Snatch and One Arm Long Cycle
Men: Biathlon and Long Cycle
To foster competition for medals there will be only two weight categories:
Women: <65kg and 65kg+
Men: <80kg and 80kg+
The feature image at the top of this page shows the medal categories and provides an explanation of the NZGSA scoring system.
Please register by filling out the form below and making payment via the Register link on the right. Please note, your payment will be made to Physical Culture. You may enter up to two events for a single entry fee.