Our Purpose
- Promote Girevoy Sport in New Zealand
- Host and support Regional and National competitions
- Support and promote members to participate in international competitions
- Do anything necessary or helpful to the above causes
- Learn, Teach, Evolve

Our Mission
Club Level
Girevoy Sport is the working man’s sport. It requires a high level of work capacity, mental toughness and strength in many forms. It requires very minimal equipment. Anyone from adolescents to retirees compete internationally. As such we need to build GS from the grassroots level. From the people for the people.
NZGSA is dedicated to helping build this sport from the club level. From very humble beginnings we can build NZ into a force in the GS community. We encourage all coaches to form clubs or training groups of their own, run their own competitions and slowly build athletes. You might only start with yourself and your mate, but it will grow.
Regional Level
The next level of sport development and competition is regional. In NZ this amounts to North and South Island. It is our goal to run a North and South Island regional competition annually. This would be an open competition, anyone can, and should, enter. The club comps serve to develop athletes and encourage beginner participation, the regionals provide a platform for you to test your mettle against the best in your half of the country.
National Level
The nationals is where this gets real. You’ll compete against the best in the country. You’ll learn from the best in the country. Nationals will be qualification for international competitions, NZ will put its best foot forward. At the early stages qualification for nationals will not be required. Due to the cost of domestic travel and the relatively small number of lifters we accept that not all athletes will be able to lift at regionals to qualify. We do however encourage participation in as many meets as possible, it is the only way to grow our sport.
- Constantly
- From the best
- Always strive to improve
- With humility
- With passion
- With soul
- The art form
- Show the true Spirit
- And Meaning of the Girevik